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CalFresh Outreach Application Assistance
CalFresh Drop-In Support Spring 2025
In-person on the 1st floor of The WELL, Room 1000
Tuesday: 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Thursday: 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
At times we can offer same or next day appointments throughout the week, please call (916)278-5138 or email to book your scheduled appointment.
How to Apply for CalFresh Video
About CalFresh
You may have financial aid to help pay for your education, but do you have food aid? CalFresh helps eligible students buy groceries!
CalFresh is a nutrition assistance program that helps low-income individuals and families buy the food they need. CalFresh dollars help stretch a tight food budget and help many people afford to incorporate healthy foods like fruits and vegetables into their diets.
CalFresh is the name of the USDA-funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the state of California. Recipients receive and “spend” CalFresh benefits electronically, via personal Golden State Advantage electronic benefits transfer (EBT) cards that look just like any other credit or debit cards.
About CFO
CFO is CalFresh Outreach. Sacramento State is a sub-contractor along with other CSU Campuses and community-based organizations to provide CalFresh Outreach and application assistance services. USDA-CDSS funding covers less than one-half of the CalFresh Outreach contract. The remaining funds are provided by non-federal funding sources.
CFO's Assistance (in the CARES Office)
We can help you with the application, uploading your documents, advocacy support between the student and the county office, and answer questions along the way.
We do not have access to the outcome of your application, all questions regarding your final eligibility and amount of benefits can be answered by your county office.
Worried about Immigration or Public Charge Issues?
Do not be afraid and apply to CalFresh!
Application Process
The application process takes about 20 minutes and you will be assisted by a trained CalFresh Outreach Intern. Please come prepared with your required documents in electronic form, and if you cannot get all documents at once, don’t worry! You have 30 days to turn in the remaining documents. You can also apply on your own at the CalFresh Website
Basic Eligibility
- Who do you purchase and prepare food with? Use this number of people in your household to determine which row to use on the chart below.
- Using this row, is your household under the gross monthly income limit? If you meet these requirements, go on to Question 2.
Effective Oct. 1 2024 - Sept. 30, 2025
Number People in Household | Gross Monthly Income Limit | Net Monthly | Maximum CalFresh Monthly Allotment |
1 | $2,510 | $1,255 | $292 |
2 | $3,408 | $1,704 | $536 |
3 | $4,304 | $2,152 | $768 |
4 | $5,200 | $2,600 | $975 |
5 | $6,098 | $3,049 | $1,158 |
6 | $6,994 | $3,497 | $1,390 |
7 | $7,890 | $3,945 | $1,536 |
8 | $8,788 | $4,394 | $1,756 |
Each additional member | +$898 | +$449 | +$220 |
Note: People you cook and prepare food with. Household of 1 if it’s just you. |
Student Eligibility
1) Paid Work Rule:- Are you a college student working in a paid position for at least 20 hours per week OR a total of 80 hours a month on average?
- If YES, this may meet the work requirement
- If NO, please see the work requirement exemptions in section 3.
- Are you younger than 22 years of age AND living your parents or guardians?
- If YES, stop here and apply for CalFresh benefits with your family.
- If NO, go to Question 3.
3) Paid Work Rule Exemptions*:
If you are not working in a paid position for at least 20 hours per week OR a total of 80 hours a month on average, you must meet ONE of the following exemptions:
- Approved (or awarded or accepted) for federal or state work study, anticipates working, and have not refused a work assignment (can still be eligible even if a work-study job has not begun or is not currently available).
- Students attending CSU or UC, receiving Cal Grant A or B, and falling within the following qualifications: unmarried; AND 25 years of age or younger; AND household income less than $50,000 (per FAFSA application).
- Enrolled in a state-funded program that increases employability (Project Rebound).
- Exerting parental control over a dependent household member under the age of 6 OR between the age of 6 and 12 with no adequate childcare (as determined by the county on a case-by-case basis) OR are a single parent of a dependent household member under the age of 12.
- Participating in the CalFresh Employment and Training Program (CFET) or Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS), or be a recipient of CalWORKs or Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC).
- If you are in a program that increases employability and is not listed above, see the full policy list for other approved paid work rule exemptions (e.g. CHC Internship, Stanford Teacher Education Program, etc.) and scroll down to "CalFresh Student Eligibility: Approved Programs to Increase Employability".
Don’t Work? Don’t Worry!
- BA in Anthropology (Culture, Language, and Society)
- Credential in Adapted Physical Education Specialist
- BS in Nutrition and Food
- BA in Asian Studies (Chinese Studies)
- BA in Asian Studies (Japanese Studies)
- BA in Asian Studies (Korean Studies)
- Minor in Anthropology
- MS in Applied Behavior Analysis
- Doctorate of Audiology
- BA in Child and Adolescent Development (Educational Context)
- BA in Child and Adolescent Development (Social and Community Contexts)
- Minor in Coaching
- BS in Communication Sciences
- Minor in Communication Studies
- MA in Composition, Rhetoric, and Professional Writing
- Cooperative Education Program (Work Experience) - Biology
- MS in Counseling (Rehabilitation Counseling)
- MS in Counseling (Career Counseling)
- MS in Counseling (Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling)
- MS in Counseling (School Counseling with Embedded PPS Credential)
- Certificate in Curatorial Studies
- MA in Education (Curriculum and Instruction)
- BA in Dance
- Minor in Dance
- Early Childhood Special Education - Added Authorization
- Certificate in Economics Education
- Economics Education
- MA in Education (Educational Leadership)
- MA in Education (Language and Literacy)
- MA in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (TK-12 Educational Leadership)
- BA in Ethnic Studies (Asian American Studies)
- BA in Ethnic Studies (Chicanx/Latinx Studies)
- BA in Ethnic Studies (Native American Studies)
- BA in Ethnic Studies (Pan African Studies)
- BA in Ethnic Studies (Teachers in Bilignual Education)
- BA in Ethnic Studies (Teachers in Urban Settings)
- BS in Geology (Hydrogeology)
- BS in Gerontology
- Certificate in Gerontology
- Minor in Gerontology
- Certificate in Global and Multicultural Perspectives
- Certificate Program in Healthcare Spanish
- GE Honors Certificate
- BS in Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Integrated Mathematics Major/Single Subject Credential Program
- BFA in Interior Architecture
- Minor in Japanese
- BA in Journalism
- BS in Kinesiology (athletic administration)
- BA in Political Science and Journalism
- Certificate in Law Enforcement
- BA in Liberal Studies (ART)
- BA in Liberal Studies (Human Development)
- BA in Liberal Studies (Linguistics/Composition)
- BA in Liveral Studies (Mathematics)
- Liberal Studies (Multicultural Studies)
- Liberal Studies (Music)
- Liberal Studies (Natural Science)
- Liberal Studies (Physical Education)
- Liberal Studies (Theatre)
- Liberal Studies (United States History)
- Liberal Studies (World History)
- Certificate in Maker Education
- BS in Nursing (pre-licensure)
- MS in Nursing
- LVN 30 Unit Option Non-Degree Program
- BS in Nutrition and Food
- MS in Nutrition and Food
- The Performer's Certificate
- Certificate in Personal Trainer Strength and Conditioning
- Doctor of Physical Therapy
- BA in Political Science and Journalism
- MA in Psychology
- MA in Pyschology (Industrial Organizational Psychology)
- Post Master's School Nurse Services - School Nurse Credential
- Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
- BS in Public Health (Community Health Education)
- BS in Public Health (Health Care Administration)
- BS in Public Health (Occupational Health and Safety)
- MA in Public History
- Pupil Personnel Services School Counseling Credential
- Pupil Personnel Services in School Counseling Internship
- Pupil Personnel Services School Psychology Endorsement Credential
- Reading/Language Arts Specialist Credential
- MS in Recreation Administration
- BA in Recreation Administration
- School Nurse Credential
- Single Subject Credential in Physical Education K-12
- Single Subject Matter Program (Family and Consumer Sciences Education)
- BA in Social Science
- BA in Social Work
- MA in Social Work
- BA in Sociology
- Master of Arts in Special Education Teaching (Education Specialist Early Childhood)
- Master of Arts in Special Education Teaching (Extensive Support Needs)
- Master of Arts in Special Education Teaching (Extensive Support Needs) with Multiple Subject
- Master of Arts in Special Education Teaching (Mild to Moderate Support Needs)
- Master of Arts in Special Education Teaching (Mild to Moderate Support Needs) with Multiple Subject
- Special Teaching Authorization in Health (STAH)
- Subject Matter Program (History)
- Certificate in Teaching Composition
- Minor in Teacher Education (Teaching, Equity, and Engagement)
- Master of Arts in Teaching (Multiple Subject)
- Master of Arts in Teaching (Single Subject)
- Dietetic Internship Program
- 2nd BA in Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Associate Degree of Nursing to Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- B.A. in Child and Adolescent Development
- BA Communication Studies
- BA in Child and Adolescent Development
- Ba in Social Work
- BA Sociology
- Bachelor's of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders
- BS in Gerontology
- BS in Hospitality & Tourism Management
- BS in Kinesiology & Exercise Science
- BS in Public Health
- BS in Recreation Administration (RA)
- BS in Recreation Therapy
- Certificate in Curatorial Studies
- Crime and Intelligence Analysis Certificate
- Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Doctorate of Audiology
- Emergency Medical Technician Basic (EMT)
- MA in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
- Master of Arts in Teaching with a Multiple Subject Credential
- Master of Arts in Teaching with Single Subject Teaching Credential
- Master of Arts in Teaching, Special Education Teaching, with Extensive Support Needs Teaching Credential
- Master of Arts in Teaching, Special Education Teaching; Mild to Moderate Support Needs Teaching Credential
- Master of Arts in Teaching, Special Education, Early Childhood Special Education Credential
- Master of Social Work
- MS Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Paramedic Program
- Performer's Certificate
- Public History MA
- Public History PhD
- Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Social Work
- School Nurse Credential Program
- Second Bachelor's Program in Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Specialist in Education, School Psychology (Ed.S)
- Speech Language Pathology Assistant Program
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Program Extension Coursework
- Sacramento State: Division of Social Work
- Project Rebound
- BS in Kinesiology (Athletic Care)
- Campus Employment Program (no minimum hour requirement)
- Research Assistantship
- Teaching Assistantship
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
- College Corps
- Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP)
Other Things to Consider
- International, DACA and DREAM students have been shown to NOT be eligible, even with a work VISA/SSN.
- Out-of-state students can still be eligible for CalFresh if they are residing in California for the school year.
- Student eligibility is based on enrollment at a higher education institution, which are defined as either: business, trade, technical or vocational schools normally requiring a high school diploma or GED to enroll; or a junior, community, two-year or four-year college or university, or graduate school, regardless whether a high school diploma or GED is required.
- Veterans and foster youth may have many different forms of income. The applicant's eligibility worker will help them determine what income counts and what doesn't. All will need to be reported on the application.
Immediate assistance
For immediate resources please visit our CSUS Basic Needs Website. To set up an application assistance appointment email Sac State CalFresh or call/text 916-400-9027.
Verification resources
You will need to produce a state ID, birth certificate and Social Security Card during the application process. If you need assistance accessing these documents please see the following resources
Driver License Renewals, Duplicates, and Changes
Social Security Card Replacement
Obtaining Certified Copies of Birth & Death Records
Funded by USDA SNAP, known in California as CalFresh, an equal opportunity provider and employer, and the California Department of Social Services.